About me and the Blog


If you found me through my Ottawa site, thank you for following me. If you’re new to my blogs, welcome!

So here’s my story:

I grew up in a suburb of Toronto, Ontario, and moved to Ottawa for University. What I thought would be a short chapter in my life ended up lasting 13 years, seeing me through my education, my first job, and my first marriage. You could say I matured in Ottawa, and I did this alongside my partner who was blossoming into a renowned chef. He took me along this journey of culinary school and his numerous jobs throughout the country. I was his student so to speak, and this is how I learned to pick apart flavor profiles and compare textures. But being with a chef means a lot of lonely evenings and many opportunities to eat alone. So, instead of cooking, I ventured out to restaurants and took a keen liking to what the chefs were doing in the city. And thats when I decided to make a hobby out of it. I started blogging about all the places I was visiting, and I’d even expand that out to restaurants I was frequenting on my many business trips abroad. Six years later I have made a name for myself in Ottawa as one of the top food bloggers in the city. But not because Im a foodie, or because I am a professional reviewer, but because I merely blog about my own experiences when Im out.

And just as I was starting to warm up, I moved to California.

*gulp* California is a very big state, and Los Angeles has an overwhelming number of restaurants. Therefore I want to be clear that Im a small fry blogger and dont dare to be a guru. No way Jose. Im here just for my own blogging fun. So bare with me as I try to eat my way through the city one restaurant at a time. And, Im guilty for retweeting other peoples’ interesting food news.

Thanks for stopping by and let me know if you need anything 🙂

Charlie (aka the Canadian dog who joined me on my cross country relocate) and I are in Sherman Oaks but you can contact us by following my twitter account or email me at anushagandhi83@gmail.com

View my food journey on Zomato!